Needing Some Monday Motivation?!

What do I do when I have deadlines, obligations, paperwork, bills that needs my attention and I could name 500 things I would rather be doing?  It’s Monday.  But friends, it could be the BEST Monday ever!  Over the weekend, I read a great post by a Facebook friend: Carrie Owensby Wilkerson who is an author, encourager, motivational speaker. These ideas are a few of hers and mine mixed together for a perfect Monday morning kick!

Monday multitasking: waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at once.

1.Get looking cute! Not kidding, I don’t care if you are leaving your house that day or not. Put that makeup on, fix your hair the way you like it, and put on clothes that feel and look good.

2. “This is the day the Lord has made. I WILL rejoice and be glad in it.” Its the first thing on my mind and mouth every morning.  Your day is a gift! Sing it. Joy is a choice.

3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  Most fatigue is simply dehydration.  What do I do?  I crush a cinnamon stick and put it in my water.  Makes it tasty all day! Or a drip of essential oil such as lemon. Refreshing.

4. Remind yourself where you want to be in 1 year.  Put that goal on paper and stick it in front of you.  You want to accomplish those tasks because you care about the end goal!

5. Pray.  Pray! Pray!!  He is behind you.  He is on your side.  You need to ask Him for motivation and He will deliver.Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

6. Burn some good smelling incense.  Candles, essential oils, lotion on your body, the smell will revive you!  My favorite? Pink: Sweet and Flirty (So not natural, I know, but makes me feel pretty!) Check out this price t@g! Victoria’s Secret Pink Sweet & Flirty Body Mist 8.4 Oz

7. Move.  7 minutes of movement before you sit all morning will get the blood flowing to your brain! I suggest simple core activities that are quick and hit those essential muscles in the abs and back that need to be strong for hours of desk work.  I’m sharing a fave routine here!workout

8. Protein your breakfast up and stay low on sugar and carbs.  Sugar and carbs give quick burst energy that comes and goes before you are done with your work.  Instead choose an egg breakfast (toss on some bacon for some real eggs!) If sugar cravings are an issue for you, order Plexus Slim as it balances your blood sugar giving even energy all day.  Contact us for more info.

9. Get a playlist ready ahead of time!  Keep it upbeat and motivational.  Who do I like for a kick? Fireflight, Hawk Nelson, Hillsong Young & Free, Imagine Dragons, 80’s hits, Sara Bareilles: Brave, Hollyn, NF, Zedd, I could go on!

10. Environment is everything!  I can’t accomplish a lot with kids on my lap and neither can you.  If your task is overwhelming, get help with the kids and separate yourself.  Find a quiet place with the right temperature, right chair, and motivational surroundings (I love a beautiful view out the window!) Find a fave coffee shop where you can sit in a quiet corner and focus.

If your still dangling on by a thread, start from the top and go again!

Have a blessed Monday!  You can do it!

4 Comments on “Needing Some Monday Motivation?!

  1. Lots of great advice here Ann. I know that today I was feeling low so I cranked up the music and did some Zumba/dancing in my lounge room which instantly gave me a huge energy lift. ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great week.

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  2. Aaaand you just made monday alot more funnn…usually when i feel like um in the doldrums….i dress up, wear a bright pink lippy even if i plan to spend the day home…lovely post๐ŸŒธ

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